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For most visitors, the coronavirus pandemic has revealed who our extremely close friends are. If customers liked this place, then you are thinking of switching to more complete information about, i implore all users to visit the website. Deprived of social opportunities to combine with a very wide group, we become more than previous versions, count on a not too large group of trusted persons. For babies, the situation was even more dramatic, especially for those who were too small to enjoy the buzzer calls. Many missed the social circle provided, most of all for one or another best friend. These friends are not only men, and we enjoy spending evenings with them, they are those for whom we always trust. In the early years, we tend to treat this to members of our extended family, so much so that their homes may seem as familiar as our own. As adults, we are confident that we can call them at any time to share the achievements and failures of our life. " In an optimal friendship, there is usually intimacy, the impression that an outsider is next to site visitors, that a partner is covering your back," says rebecca graber, a psychology lecturer at the sussex institute in europe. "We are talking about the alleged support, but not about the actual appearance." But are we programmed to have best friends? Research proves that there are strong evolutionary advantages that explain why our team intends to form such close social connections with other users. However, the exact nature of these connections can vary significantly - and their sympathy will be able to bring enough comfort and hope to someone who longs for a best friend and tries to find him as much as possible. Some kids and not only) make friendships thanks to common interests (photo: getty images) " We usually viewed friendship as cultural. However, the concern is deeper and more fundamental," says lydia denworth, author of friendship: evolution, biology, and the extraordinary power of life's fundamental connection. "Looking at other species, one of which includes baboons and dolphins, we see how fundamental a close friendship is," says denworth. These friendships do not mean that they are exceptional in the field of choosing one friend over some others. Rather, they will consist of connections developed in the future with any number of supportive people. Like humans, dolphins form friendships with the application of common interests. According to a study conducted last year, male dolphins that forage in deep-sea areas, a practice that has become known as "sponging", only interact with the surrounding male parasites. These strong bonds can last for decades and have an important role at their disposal to start the mating of any guy, says manuela bizzozzero, a researcher from the university of zurich and the lead author of the study.. Baboons also form strong relationships that help them overcome adversity at an early age, shaw's research shows. One study in 2003 a study conducted by primatologist jeanne altmann of princeton university showed that friendship between adult female baboons increases the survival rate of their cubs. Another study showed that baboons with strong social ties experience less stressful situations and which females work to establish new relationships when a close friend is killed by predators. " The best way to earn money is to have good friends; it allows you to fight off the lions," says denworth. "We also need lion control services, and it is the fact that current friends are organizing for our company." Helping the guys in the life of strong friendships will surely benefit forever (photo: getty images) Make friends Finding and saving friends is a skill that can take an hour to develop. From about the age of four, kids develop awareness of the fact that other people have thoughts, feelings and impressions that are different from their own. This developing ability, which has become known as the theory of mind, helps children make friends, says eileen kennedy-moore, a clinical psychologist and author of growing friendships: instructions for newborns on making and keeping friends. "They correctly see their alien side of the principal, and the list promotes closer friendly relations." Family tree This article has become an element of the "family tree", another series of bbc materials, where difficulties and abilities are considered, where parents, toddlers and also family in the world face. Here we consider the role that families play in our society and everything, as well as how they can be part of the world of tomorrow. You may also be interested in so on epics about yourself and the dynamics of the child: Why is it difficult for people to be parents alone The amazing power of baby massage will the competition between brothers and sisters end sooner or later? You will also be able to advance along the modern branches of the family tree on bbc worklife. According to kennedy-moore quotes, people often have a pragmatic approach to friendship, forming close relationships with peers on the platform or as. "A similar phenomenon is "love this one with whom you are".." " The advantage of children over adults is aimed at the fact that people enter the same room with 25 other visitors at the gaming life stage," she says. "In adulthood, conscious efforts are required in order to choose and open friendships." According to one study, adults should spend at least 50 hours together to transform from a simple acquaintance into a casual friend, 90 hours together before they consider each other friends and about two hundred hours, then to be relatives, friends sharing an emotional connection. Psychologists note that the best friendship helps children prepare for close relationships, especially romantic ones, during the formation. " The best friendship really looks like falling in love," says kennedy-moore. "Close friendship in the early years helps children practice the skills they need in sexual throughout their exploitation. They will learn about other people and a lot about themselves in order to deal with such feelings as loneliness, jealousy and disappointment." If the kids don't talk about friends of the cottage, it doesn't mean that they don't have them, she says, adding that, for example, due to the fact that they are capable of a more restrained style of working with other users. Parents can support their beloved descendants in defining friendships by organizing fun meetings outside of school. "Kids often make friends by doing fun things together, so you have the opportunity to think about your child's tastes and find activities that correspond to [his identity and what you would need to spend with peers," says kennedy-moore.. Parents are also able to teach their child how to become an entertainment and study. "The formula is: look, and when the study is over, mix it," she says. "Keep track of something, another child is doing it, then proceed to action without interrupting him." Children in the world form close relationships either with acquaintances or with an extended family (credit: getty images) Health benefits Helping schoolchildren in the life of strong friendships becomes a gift for a long time, including improving mental and physical health. Studies show that maintaining close friendships has a positive effect on cardiovascular and neuroendocrine health, as well as on immunity. According to a review of 148 studies conducted in 2010, strong friendship brings more sense to the body than smoking denial, weight loss or exercise. The analysis demonstrates that the existence of a close group of supporters and high-quality family ties reduces the risk of mortality of some individuals by 60%. According to an opinion conducted among 20,000 americans, loneliness or isolation has a similar effect on someone's mortality as smoking 15 packs a day. The harvard study of adult development, which was launched in 1938 during the great depression and tracked more than 700 men throughout their lives, showed that people's satisfaction with their relationships for half a century was a better indicator of their physical well-being in a new life than their level cholesterol. The results achieved show the importance of touching friendship for "your life's work," says denworth. "You can make friends at any age, but starting early is an excellent idea." The moment many studies define the best friendship as involving only a single special friend, the results entirely believe that specifically the ideality and reciprocity of the relationship is a favorable factor, but not the volume of friends involved. Research proves that browser connections are able to determine a vital role in helping children cope with life difficulties and overcome adversity. Children who have a loyal friend usually experience less loneliness and depression, and even greater self-esteem. One study showed that the existence of close, supportive friends and acquaintances helps children from low-income families to better deal with difficult circumstances. Having friends helps children to struggle with difficult circumstances " Children with the normal quality of the best friendship demonstrated, coupled with higher psychological stability, a better ability to withstand the storm related to the low-income area," says graber, lead author of the study. " Their best friendship was probably primarily associated with excellent coping skills and a good sense of the opportunity to improve some detail in a personal career," she says, adding that the results for friendship between boys and girls were similar. However, by itself, the title of "faithful friend" does not remain a guarantee of quality relationships. According to a study conducted in 2007, when the best friendship involves excessive discussion of a lot of work, it leads to increased symptoms of depression and anxiety. For toddlers and teenagers who also doubt this special friend, there are still many opportunities ahead. Friendships are constantly changing during a given childhood, graber says. When the best helpers move away from each other, it may be difficult for kids, they are not used to the fact that the relationship ends. "There is no ritual for schoolchildren to mourn the loss of this relationship," she says, adding how necessary it is for parents to discuss this with their own children, and support them during the full process. Scientists claim that close friendship strengthens health, resilience and happiness (merit: getty images) Cultural differences The choice of one devoted friend is not in any case perceived as an ideal actress in a number of cultures, men and guys love to spend weekends with the widest group consisting of family and peers, instead of just another person. In all small rural societies in all countries, children rush to school with their own cousins, consider them your relatives, friends so that there are no differences between friends or family options, says evan killick, senior lecturer in anthropology at the university of sussex. Killick studied the social relations of the ashaninka society in the amazon rainforest. In community improvement, relationships with family members usually trump friendships, killick says. "In foreign urban societies, the idea of having a close relative is important because you personally do not have such broad close relationships." Ashaninka's children begin to establish friendly relations abroad with their extended family, provided that they reach puberty and find commercial feelings and marriage partners. At first, these are transactional relationships aimed at pragmatic results, but step by step they have the opportunity to develop into strong emotional ties, killick says. A recent study showed that russians and canadians have different attitudes to friendship. The study showed that russians view friendship as a much closer bond based on trust and intimacy when compared with canadians. " The russian model is fundamental for everyone, where there are fewer friends, but very deep, intense relationships," says marina doucerin, lead author of the study and associate professor at the university of quebec in montreal. The canadian model puts more emphasis on respecting the independence of the user; and lower expectations from friends. "There is absolutely no motive for what you will find yourself next to your own friend in a difficult situation, not paying attention to everything dusseren testifies. According to dusseren's comments, there are striking linguistic differences in how native speakers of russian and english treat friendship. Russians use the term "friend" (droog) only for a person where they are close enough, and they voice a person and they are interested in spending evenings with them, "buddies" (buddy and sidekick), she says. On the other hand, in english, the word "friend" can describe "a rich assortment of relationships." As the reviews of duseren say, such a different view of friendship may have a historical explanation. "With the union, it was extremely risky to have close relationships, even between families," she says. "The solution was there to buy a couple of people whom you are able to believe recklessly. This definition of trust will take an unacceptably significant position in russian friendship." It could be a friend on the playground, a close relative in the spirit of ashaninka, a friend in the russian concept, or a dolphin colleague for his pleasure in deep-sea hunting, the presence of a friend and ally in life can clearly contain great importance. For the most avid, this relationship starts in the early years. For others, it may require a lot more attention. However, as denworth notes, it is worth persevering, due to the fact that it is not too late to find a devoted friend in life.
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